why do satellites orbit in the exosphere

JUST TYPE THE COLOR OF THE ANSWER HIGHLIGHTED, 1. 200 miles (320 km) up is about the minimum to avoid atmospheric interference. The Short Answer: Satellites have different orbits because their orbits depend on what each satellite is designed to accomplish. The Short Answer: Satellites have different orbits because their orbits depend on what each satellite is designed to accomplish. So, lets build radiators! 200 miles (320 km) up is about the minimum to avoid atmospheric interference. (10 points) did most of his work in the late 19th and eartly 20th centuries. If you look at literally any individual feature, they are clearly not the same person. The layer directly below the exosphere is the thermosphere; the boundary between the two is called the thermopause. Once launched, a Falcon 9 launch vehicle deploys its batch of 60 Starlink satellites into an initial "parking orbit" at around 270 miles (440 kilometers) above Earth. Artificial satellites usually consist of machines or devices that are launched into space and orbit around the Earth or any other body in space. In the case of bodies with substantial atmospheres, such as Earth's atmosphere, the exosphere is the uppermost layer, where the atmosphere thins out and merges with outer space. d car 2 is traveling 30 mph and has a mass of 2,000 kilograms. GPS is terrestrial (only triangulation) like 95% of telecommunications. 3 / 8. tremendous drag and would not be able to remain in orbit; not to mention the fact that they would burn up. 4. The dumbing down of America began with the Invention of the cellphone and culminated with the election of Donald Trump in 2016, due largely to Facebook ads. gravity (n.) Look up gravity at Dictionary.com This layer start at 500 km above the earth's surface and goes about 10000 KM. Instruments used for research purposes are also found in this orbital range so that they are better able to monitor events on Earth. Unfortunately for the cowards who refuse to think for themselves : Stanley Kubrick admitted to shooting the NASA moon landing in an interview that you can easily find on Odysee. Excess heat can be released from the satellite (or any other spacecraft), by placing radiators. Stanley didnt know this, but he knew the moon landing was impossible because NASA confessed it to him, while still menting to him. If you stand in this room, will you feel the heat ? Oh, it is. This shiny coating reflects the heat radiation like a mirror and keeps it either inside the bottle (if the content is hot) or outside (if the content is cold). The United Nations maintains a register of objects found in outer space. Would you be surprised if it turned out that Judith Resnik the first jewish woman in space (and alleged Challenger-disaster-victim) is still alive and well? The semi-synchronous orbit is a near-circular orbit (low eccentricity) 26,560 kilometers from the center of the Earth (about 20,200 kilometers above the surface). The yellow areas shows what part of Earth each satellite 'sees' during its orbit. This means they can collect massive amounts of data quickly compared to alternative instruments on the Earth's surface. Typically, a satellite in such an orbit moves in a near-circle about 1000 km (600 miles) above ground (some go lower but don't last as long, because of air friction) and each orbit takes about 100 minutes. Troll? Answer (1 of 11): The reasons vary: 1. Mercury's magnetic field is offset relative to the planet's equator. What layer do man made satellites orbit? At 110km it is 200C. As long as I have your attention, I should point out that the wackos claiming that rockets and space travel dont exist, the earth is flat, and that it is covered by a firmament dome are dead wrong and profoundly ignorant. Good question! This layer separates the rest of the atmosphere from outer space. Helios (another god name used by nasa) aircraft flew 96,000+ feet in the youtube video at minute 2:42 again a flat horizon can be seen, they just do not show it very long. Most satellites can be considered to be in space, but in terms of the Earths atmosphere, they reside in either the thermosphere or the exosphere. Since it emits way more power than it receives from the air in contact, the temperature doesn't rise. The solar panels which adjorn these machines would barely function even if they could keep it together long enough. Many satellites, including the International Space Station (ISS), orbit within the exosphere or below. A normal, NASA hoax ISS Actornaut Chris Cassidy accidentaly admits they are filming in the USA BUSTED. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 1. because even in Low Earth Orbit, there is a very low pressure around the spacecraft, making a smaller amount of atoms colliding with the satellite. There are different types of geosynchronous orbits. Facts About Exosphere. The satellites orbit in the Exosphere layer. This happens and Why the satellites undergo little to no drag, telecommunications and! History. In fact, its so thin that scientists cant even measure the temperature directly. Troposphere. On an even smaller scale, individual atoms and molecules are considered to be part of the extended atmosphere, either the thermosphere or exosphere, and not treated as satellites. The earth is rotating. It is the sun!. Which means the particles inside of the object receive a part of the heat as well, even if they are not directly exposed to radiations. The Sun (and anything warm) is constantly emitting infrared, and the Earth absorbs it and turns the energy into atomic and molecular motion, or heat. After 100km altitude it starts to get very hot. There are only seven elements on the periodic table that could withstand this heat and none have [], If the mesosphere and thermosphere so hot but do not Heat anything because the particles are too far apart then how did they even measure the temperature to know that its that hot if it doesnt affect anything I mean because if it can affect anything then how could you take the measurement. In the exosphere, it's where hydrogen atoms escape to space in the exosphere. ie is it mand. Its about the heat contained in the mass. Do planes primarily operate in the troposphere is the exosphere important Different orbits exosphere, &! The exosphere begins variously from approximately 2,300,000 ft to 3,280,000 ft above the surface, where it interacts with the magnetosphere . Space debris began to accumulate in Earth orbit immediately with the first launch of an artificial satellite Sputnik 1 into orbit in October 1957. The thermosphere is home to the International Space Station as it orbits Earth. The other orbits the Earth quickly and passes over each of the poles many times in one day. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? Heat pipes are circuits that use heat conduction to redirect heat to a specific part of an object. Several probes orbit around other natural bodies such as the moon, Venus, and Mercury. These satellites have very low orbits, allowing them to travel around the world very quicklysometimes as fast as once every hour and a half! Why are obsolete geostationary satellites re-orbited above How do Satellites Stay Up? c. 1500, weight, dignity, seriousness, solemnity of deportment or character, importance, from Old French gravit seriousness, thoughtfulness (13c.) A faint glow of ultraviolet radiation scattered by hydrogen atoms in the uppermost atmosphere has been detected at heights of 100,000 km (62,000 miles) by satellites. Orbital characteristics []. Fake news would have the morons of this once-great-nation believe that Putin is our friend while NATO is our enemy, that the Earth is flat, that we never went to the Moon, that we never even launched a satellite into orbit (how do you think GPS works you dumbs****? The speed required depends on its altitude. Even when satellites are thousands of miles away, Earths gravity still tugs on them. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Indeed, two of those nations are already there: Japan and China are orbiting the moon right now. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Satellites orbit the earth because of the force of gravity. Heat is energy that flows from one object to another. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. that would be an interesting trick to see. I thought it is the sun that causes those few atoms of gas to heat up to 2500C? Many satellites orbit within the thermosphere and changes in the density of (the very, very thin) air at orbital altitudes, brought on by heating and expansion of the thermosphere, generates a drag force on satellites. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The air is extremely thin in exosphere. The easiest way to detect fake NASA footage is to compare it to the control videos of high altitude weather balloons if not similar then fake. Below the thermosphere, gases made of different types of atoms and molecules are thoroughly mixed together by turbulence in the atmosphere. Commercial jet aircraft fly in the lower stratosphere to avoid the turbulence which is common in the troposphere below. Radiators are flat panels much like photovoltaic panels, but they are specifically designed to emit radiations instead of absorb radiations. Seminars are typically held on Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 p.m. CST, but dates and times are subject to change. Radiation causes the atmosphere particles in this layer to become electrically charged (see ionosphere), enabling radio waves to bounce off and be received beyond the horizon. Not get pulled in and fall, we Have to understand Why happens. ) The exosphere is the fifth and outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere. Trump is the main perpetrator of fake news which, apparently, has now gnne viral. The outer space refers to the expanse found beyond the Earths atmosphere between celestial bodies. Where are the satellites in the atmosphere? It is called the thermosphere because temperatures spike to thermal levels Temperatures are highly dependent on solar activity, and can rise to 2,000 C (3,630 F). From the article: Most satellites can be considered to be "in space", but in terms of the Earth's atmosphere, they reside in either the thermosphere or the exosphere. Satellites in Geostationary Orbit Select one of 7 satellites or one of 6 orbits and a popup box appears, giving a fact file and a video clip. Satellites are also used to study celestial bodies in space. Except for carbon, these metals are very, very heavy and are of course extremely conductive to heat and most are very ductile when heat treated meaning they bend and coil. Another group, the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), will orbit between both poles. The thermosphere limit and the exosphere located above it is known as the thermopause. Above the air, Hubble can detect infrared, visible and ultraviolet light. 1 Why are satellites in the thermosphere? Satellites don't fall from the sky because they are orbiting Earth. Each satellite also uses its thrusters to gradually boost itself to a higher altitude, climbing into its eventual final orbit some 100 miles (160 km) above the International Space Station's orbit. http://www.engr.wisc.edu/michaelsmithbio2003.html, Tagged: challenger, ISS, Iss Hoax, judith resnick, judy resnick, thermosphere, The source of the heat of the thermosphere is not a few atoms of gas. Why are satellites found in the exosphere? Why are the satellites that orbit in the exosphere important Get the answers you need, now! When the Sun is less active during the low point of the sunspot cycle, solar radiation is less intense and the thermopause recedes to within about 500 km (310 miles) of Earth's surface. The low orbit allows a satellite to cover every location on Earth and image the same area twice a day. This satellite is only a couple hundred miles from the ground. Why is it possible to see Africa from Spain and England from France? The bottom of the exosphere is sometimes also referred to as the exobase. History. The ability to cover the entire planet frequently at low orbit allows polar . On earth, it's not so easy because satellites have to get up above the atmosphere and into the vacuum of space to orbit for any length of time. sounds a little far fetched to me. Do satellites stay in orbit forever? Due to atmospheric drag, satellites do not usually orbit below 300 km. Describe the types of vehicles that could be found in each layer of the atmosphere. The semi-synchronous orbit is a near-circular orbit (low eccentricity) 26,560 kilometers from the center of the Earth (about 20,200 kilometers above the surface). 6. This is known as being in 'orbit'. The radioactive particles would have magnetized the melted aluminum hull and fried everyone inside. I need help getting beyond just the word; that is, if were going to use weight as part of what it does and doesnt do, and especially how we measure it. Exosphere starts at a distance of 311 to 621 miles from the earth's surface and ends approximately at 6200 miles away from the earth's surface. 100N of force will accelerate you by the same amount at any speed if you;re in a vacum (unless youre taking into account special relativity which only comes into effect at wll above these speeds). So what is it? In this layer, atoms and molecules escape into space and satellites orbit the earth. Low earth means below 2000 kilometers. - Answers. The Exosphere is the uppermost region of the Earth's atmosphere and has no clear upper boundary since it gradually fades into outer space. Exosphere Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com Many satellites, including the International Space Station (ISS), orbit within the exosphere or below. Artificial satellites orbit at varying distances from the Earth depending on their function. Besides, Im still waiting for a photo from space with cities upside down from each other which should be achievable with modern equipment. It is in the exosphere that satellites orbit; in this environment, there is very little friction as compared to lower levels of the atmosphere, meaning it is the perfect . This region does not have a distinct upper boundary as molecules float freely in the layer. But none of NASAs orbiting machines are completely covered in a layer of IR reflecting materials, only a bit of aluminum foil for the Hubble Telescope. The exosphere is the very edge of our atmosphere. A little less Facebook and little more air to circulate to jump-start your comatose brain would be a great start for every one of you idiots. His door is always open, says a former PhD student. Wouldnt it just fly off in a straight line out into space? Question: Why are satellites found in the exosphere? Putting satellites into orbit involves the same kinds of actions and ideas. That seems a bit counter-intuitive, because in an orbit above the belt, the satellite would eventually lose gain velocity, so its orbit would intersect the orbital plane of the geostationary satellites possibly creating a collision hazard. So, lets build radiators! It starts. All seminars will be held virtually until further notice. The flatard moron who wrote this spectacularly stupid article flunked out of school before learning about heat transfer. The layer through which a satellite orbits depends on what the satellite is used for and what kind of orbit it has. A satellite in a circular geosynchronous orbit directly over the equator (eccentricity and inclination at zero) will have a geostationary orbit that does not move at all relative to the ground. International space stations is in 400 KM orbit..All others are more than 400 KM. See full answer below. The exosphere is closer to the Sun than the other layers of the atmosphere and therefore is the warmest. It is a luminaire opposite the Sun, whose light cools the bodies. The force is in 400 km atmospheric levels interacts with the magnetosphere, to space object in an takes! both for internal heat (which remember would spread via convection equally in all directions), and solar radiation? Right now, there are nearly 6,000 satellites circling our tiny planet. The exosphere is the uppermost region of Earth's atmosphere as it gradually fades into the vacuum of space. thermosphere a unit of acceleration equal to the acceleration of gravity. Polar-orbiting weather satellites orbit the Earth around the North and South Poles. Communication and weather satellites are found on higher orbital ranges as they require more expansive views and access to large areas of the Earth at any given time. "Exo" means outside and is the same prefix used to describe insects like grasshoppers that have a hard shell or "exoskeleton" on the outside of their body. The satellites were put into orbit by SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, which missed its landing target due to "an early . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The layer through which a satellite orbits depends on the satellite's function and the kind of orbit it has. Massive amounts of data quickly compared to alternative instruments on the Earth within exosphere. Where does an artificial satellite orbit the Earth? It is located directly above the thermosphere. During his 18 years in the college, Michael J. Smith has advised 80 masters and PhD students. So, in the case of satellites or the ISS, where should we send the heat to? why do satellites orbit in the exospherenutrien head office australia. What layer are spacecrafts in? Exosphere. the Soviet Union Us air force surveillance satellites of the atmosphere from outer space the boundary between the two is called geocorona. The following list highlights the characteristics and facts of the exosphere in more detail. Two different words with two different definitions and meanings. Satellites are also used to study celestial bodies in space. Etymology! And by the way, shown mercy for my poor english . If the atmosphere is so big, why do planes primarily operate in the Troposphere? A GOES-R series satellite. That's much thicker than the inner layers of the atmosphere, but not nearly as thick as the exosphere. But they actually do have one, though depending on the size of the object they may not require a very big one. James G. Speight, in Natural Water Remediation, 2020 2.5 The exosphere. The thermosphere and the exosphere are the outermost shells of the Earth's atmosphere, in which artificial satellites and other spacecrafts like the International Space Station (ISS) follow orbits.. The mid and high Earth orbits are located in the exosphere. In this interactive, scientists discuss the functions of various satellites and orbits. That motion is called momentum. Unless you know the heat energy of the sparsely dense thermosphere, you are missing a critical factor. This is in exosphere, just outside of thermosphere. That seems very fast, but it not fast enough to stay in orbit. serious or dignified behavior; dignity; solemnity: Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. But that same low orbital position is also one of the main reasons why Starlink satellites shine so bright in our night sky: They're close to us. The more heat is transferred to an object, a vacuum, there is no reaction. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Satellites in low Earth orbits move around the planet very fast, and the orbits also degrade more quickly. Why are the satellites that orbit in the exosphere important, Explain what would happen if two cars who are traveling the same speed are in a collision, Car 1 is traveling 30mph and has a mass of 990 kilograms an It is nonsense to have a narrow tube vacuumed, light a tiny rocket and show a recoil. The lightning-rod SpaceX CEO is launching satellites into orbit, promising to deliver high-speed broadband to remote and rural locations. 7 Where does an artificial satellite orbit the Earth? Where do you think Earth-observing satellites orbit? If gravity is out, and weight is in this needs some details beyond the word. Condensation: @jwlpeace what science says we cannot even pass the Van Allen Belts due to deadly Solar Radiation? Reasons to Doubt the Earth is Truly a Sphere. Copy. How satellites avoid why do satellites orbit in the exosphere into each other, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and it where., you speed up ( the force is in the exosphere changes the distance the. and no heat is really not heat but it is because excited molecules dont give off heat in vacuums. It extends up to 5 to 10 miles (8 to 15 km) above the surface. I say not. Why are obsolete geostationary satellites re-orbited above How do Satellites Stay Up? After the launch of Sputnik, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) began . Show polar orbit Show geostationary orbit Show both orbits Video showing the difference between a geostationary orbit and a polar orbit. The only elements in the periodic table that can withstand 2500C are carbon, niobium, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, and osmium. The short answer is that the Hubble telescope does not orbit the Moon -- it orbits the Earth. As nouns the difference between exosphere and thermosphere is that exosphere is the uppermost layer of a planets atmosphere while thermosphere is the layer of the earths atmosphere directly above the mesosphere and directly below the exosphere. The thermosphere starts at around 90 km (56 miles). How does thermosphere affect the orbit of a satellite? Show geostationary orbit. Imaging satellites are often in polar orbits around 600-700 kilometers high. But even before that, beside natural ejecta from Earth, humans might have produced ejecta that became space debris, as in the August 1957 Pascal B test. Thermosphere and exosphere, outermost shells of Earth's atmosphere. But the International Space Station (ISS) is directly below the exosphere in the thermosphere. The 1908 Tunguska event was an experiment. . OK, so the absorption of radiated heat does not apply to solid objects, like ISS and Satellites, or the radiators efficiently remove said radiated heat before levels rise. As SELENE, reached the Moon Shuttle or the series of French Earth-resources change the of Van Allen radiation belt approximately 2,300,000 ft to 3,280,000 ft above the.! Q: Aluminum melting time.How long from firing your furnace to liquid aluminum? But you cannot pressurize the infinite vacuum of space, a gas in practically infinite space always expands to zero pressure according to P=1/V with V= . But the principle is exactly the same. Since many satellites orbit within the thermosphere, changes in the density of (the very, very thin) air at orbital altitudes brought on by heating and expansion of the thermosphere generates a drag force on satellites. No chance in the (spherical) world that it will melt ANYTHING! Not to mention the fact that the living Judith is a real person with a completely different history. I suppose we should believe that she is so brilliant that she got advanced degrees in both engineering and law, or perhaps that the astronaut history is simply 100% fabrication. What about Challenger astronot Michael J. Smith? It might speed it up, slow it down or change its direction exosphere A polar orbit down towards Earth & # x27 ; s surface and goes about 10000 km to. Many spacecraft use such orbits, e.g. Now lets look at what happens for objects in space (which are composed of many, many particles). But it is also based on a parameter called mass ratio. It all has to do with what each satellite is designed to accomplish. Selection of a satellite's orbit depends on what they are designed to operate. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. to rotate slowly to spread the heating evenly. Satellites in Geostationary Orbit What determines their orbital altitude? Cosmologists and rocket scientist completely ignore what happened after Newton, and still play around with billiard ball physics, treating gas particles as if they were lead shot. The Judith Resnik one is an interesting coincidence, but upon close examination you can see several clear differences, especially if you look at other photos where they arent making the same expression at the same angle. As the Earth spins on its axis once a day too, these. Satellites in this layer can remain in their orbits for a very long time. Too few molecules up there to hold much heat. The two regions of the atmosphere in which satellites commonly orbit are the thermosphere and the exosphere. The source of the heat of the thermosphere is not a few atoms of gas. The space shuttle and the International Space Station both orbit Earth within the thermosphere! Meet 12 Incredible Conservation Heroes Saving Our Wildlife From Extinction, India's Leopard God, Waghoba, Aids Wildlife Conservation In The Country, India's Bishnoi Community Has Fearlessly Protected Nature For Over 500 Years, Wildfires And Habitat Loss Are Killing Jaguars In The Amazon Rainforest, In India's Sundarbans: Where People Live Face-To-Face With Wild Tigers, Africa's "Thunderbird" Is At Risk Of Extinction. Credit: NOAA/Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation. Objects in LEO encounter atmospheric drag from gases in the thermosphere (approximately 80-500 km up) or exosphere (approximately 500 km and up), depending on orbit height. Its a common misconception. Rate as Earth a satellite at this height takes 12 hours to complete an orbit not operational composed, an orbit, which is still within exosphere of large areas the. This region of UV glow is called the geocorona. Exosphere and Satellites Human made (artificial) satellites orbit the Earth within the exosphere. This layer of Earth's atmosphere is about 319 miles (513 kilometers) thick. different sized atoms ha ha thats a good one. lowness in pitch, as of sounds. How To Become An Instrument Repair Technician, The thermosphere could have a temperature of a million degrees, and would still not heat up satellites, space stations, or space junk by more than a few degrees. Not quite. The heating of meteors and spacecraft entering the atmosphere is TOTALLY due to heating from atmospheric friction as they reach the denser layers of the atmosphere. However, some of the faster-moving particles don't return to Earth - they fly off into space instead! The types of vehicles that could be found in each layer of the atmosphere so. In recent years experts have raised the alarm over increasingly crowded orbits. The satellite went out of service just two years later having no propulsion system. Radiators are flat panels much like photovoltaic panels, but they are specifically designed to emit radiations instead of absorb radiations. As others have already pointed out, the idea that objects will be heated and destroyed in the thermosphere is an insane fairy tale. , Please help quickly. The thermopause is found at an altitude between 500 km and 1,000 km or higher. They are not! NASAs blast furnace-proof International Space Station. The geosynchronous orbit is found at the higher levels of the high Earth orbit. Since launching of the Sputnik Satellite into orbit by the Soviet Union, thousands of satellites have been put into orbit by various entities including communication companies and the military. For a satellite to stay in orbit, it must be moving very fast. They serve many different purposes, from complex space stations like the International Space Station to the Global Positioning System that helps you find your way home. To keep Hubble from gradually falling back toward Earth's surface, the telescope was boosted into a slightly higher orbit multiple times over the years by the space shuttle following servicing. This is called a geosynchronous orbit. You really gotta have blinders on to believe this stuff. The outermost layer. Possible counterarguments against a hot thermosphere are: Above 100km altitude, objects are said to freefall along the curve of the Earth if initially traveling laterally at over 28000 kph. The 60 Starlink broadband internet satellites of SpaceX's Starlink-2 mission are seen with the Earth as a stunning backdrop in this view from their Falcon 9 rocket second stage after a successful . Explanation: Low earth satellites orbit above exosphere which is above 400 KM above Earth. Heating by convection (warm fluids/gasses flowing to colder areas of fluid/gas) is impossible, obviously, because there is a negligible amount of gas and certainly no fluid in space. 5. When the orbit will become eccentric . One model of the vacuum at 400km is estimated to be one trillion trillionth of the air density at sea level allowing for an extremely high terminal velocity. I am in the middle of breakfast right now so I wont look all this up now, but you are partially right, the final velocity a rocket can achieve is based partly on the exhaust velocity of the engine. anyone got any info on how a spaceship can accelerate to orbital speed of about 17000mph when the actual rocket jet gas is only able to do about 10,000mph max? . And then there is the Van Allen belt that would have fried the astronauts had they gone through it, and they would have had to go through it. It can also be man-made, like the Space Shuttle or the ISS. Solar cooker anyone? Also why do the labels/signs and many other things that are dark colours on the outside off the ISS do not burn off during the day? 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In low Earth satellites orbit the Earth & # x27 ; t.... The Soviet Union Us air force surveillance satellites of the force is 400. Characteristics and facts of the website completely different history in outer space refers to the of... Poles many times in one day and England from France use heat conduction to redirect to. Have different orbits why do satellites orbit in the exosphere their orbits depend on what each satellite is only couple... Poles many times in one day they fly off into space have raised alarm... Relative to the acceleration of gravity thats a good one radiators are flat panels much like photovoltaic panels but. Work in the atmosphere from outer space first launch of an object, vacuum. Straight line out into space instead others have already pointed out, the Joint polar satellite (... Thermosphere ; the boundary between the two is called geocorona starts to get very hot you are a! Spacex 's Falcon 9 rocket, which missed its landing target due to atmospheric drag, do. Faster-Moving particles do n't return to Earth - they fly off in a straight line out space. Too few molecules up there to hold much heat to redirect heat to a specific part an... Still tugs on them also referred to as the moon, Venus, and mercury actions and ideas Nations a...

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why do satellites orbit in the exosphere