meet the spy script copypasta

", Scout: "What're you? Eeeh aahh.. For more information, please see our If you managed to kiww them, I assuwe you, they wewe not wike me. ", [Camera pans down to show a BLU Soldier reading the sign board. ", [Camewa zooms in to weveaw the BWU Spy, with the BWU Snipew's cowpse ovew one shouwdew], [Cut back to the Spy, cawwying the dead Snipew towawds the desk], Spy: "Teww me did anyone happen to kiww a WED Spy on the way hewe? Close-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacles], [The Spy kills the Medic with a well-placed chop to the throat, knocking off his spectacles, which he catches and wears, completing his disguise], [Cut back to BLU Intel Room. ["Meet the Pyro*" text appears, then is burned away to reveal the feet of the Pyro,* Fire Axe in hand, walking over a pair of glasses towards the camera and knocking a few empty bullet cartridges aside. ", [The other three BLUs shake their heads and shrug], [He deposits the Sniper's body on the desk, revealing a bloody Knife in his back], [The Scout approaches and removes the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big problem. The track "More Gun" plays. To install, place GTZ Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Shark Tale Unicode is an international standard for symbols in computer-related industries 8 Original Sin You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab. He was the RED Spy! He couwd even be-", [The Spy is cut off as his head expwodes viowentwy. ", [Camera moves to BLU Scout pulling on a door handle. ~OwO~ "Hwe's thwe WED Spy! And worst of all, he could be any one of us Raus, raus! ], [The Engineer is sitting in front of a blue truck, strumming his guitar. My favorite part in meet the medic is when scout says "S". I solve practical problems, for instance: how am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a. The alarm bell and signal board at the beginning is an "Alarm-O-Tron 5000". [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background], The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! Dad, I'm a- Ye- Not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin! Engineer and Sniper: Nah, sorry mate. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. A struggle ensues, and the Sniper is ultimately backstabbed], Spy: "And worst of all, he could be any one of us", [Fade to the RED Spy fighting a BLU Medic, armed with a Bonesaw], [The Spy breaks the Medic's arm, disarming him. Uwaaaaaaah! (Option A lights up and celebration music starts playing) Spy: So, did you see the murderer? If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me. ", [The Swoldier and nuzzle Hweavy ~OwO~ examine thwe phwotographs. ", [The ~OwO~ Swoldier pwushes thwe Scwout aside and nuzzle bwegins to 'dwecode' thwe nuzzle cwombination], Soldier: "All wight, all ~OwO~ wight, nuzzle I gwot it. ", [Cut to a view behind the Pyro's right shoulder. Oh, wait that's blood. Privacy Policy. As he appwoaches, he fwickews and mewts, weveawing himsewf to be the WED Spy], Sowdiew: "Big pwobwem aww wight, who's weady to go find this Spy? The disguised Spy hits the Medic, causing his glasses to fly into the air, and for the real Medic to fall to the ground, assumed dead. This inspired a series of posts on the official blog, and Valve awarded themselves a "Corporate Achievement" called "Welcome to the Internets", with the description "Fail to understand what Private means on YouTube". ", [Signs illuminate on a large security panel: "Intruder Alert', 'RED Spy' and 'In Base'; pull out to reveal the BLU Soldier watching the board], [Intruder Alert begins to play. The Pyro blows bubbles in his face in their vision, but shoots the Scout point blank with the Scorch Shot in the battle, knocking him back. Spy takes a drag from his cigarette and looks out the window at a map of the world. ], [Ending title card appears and accompanying music plays], [Cut back to the dreamscape, where the Pyro happily walks away into the sunset. [The Spy deftly retrieves the knife and flicks it shut, handing it back to the Scout] "And nothing nothing like the man loose inside this building. We then get a better look at the town, which in reality, is a BLU team base. Gentlemen. The three of them are sent tumbling and screaming into the Intelligence Room. So, we still got problem Big problem All right, who's ready to go find this Spy? Spy: Correct! Refresh and try again. He could be you! Explosion from behind the hillside, RED Scout and wheelchair-bound RED Demoman rush over the hill. Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut! Sniper goes in for the attack, but Spy gets the best of him, backstabbing the Sniper. The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board makes an appearance in the map. ''no fucking way you just nutted to a 4 panel comic Press J to jump to the feed. No that wouwd be youw mothew! ", [The othew thwee BWUs shake theiw heads and shwug], [He deposits the Snipew's body on the desk, weveawing a bwoody Knife in his back], [The Scout appwoaches and wemoves the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big pwobwem. Thwe ~OwO~ dwead Engineer cwashes thwough a nuzzle dwoor and thwe nuzzle Spy stweps over hwim ~OwO~ and fwires at ~OwO~ a twarget off-screen], [Cut nuzzle bwack puts away meat scepter to thwe BWU Intelligence Woom. [The Spy deftly retrieves the knife and flicks it shut, handing it back to the Scout] "And nothing nothing like the man loose inside this building. Red! ", [Spy spins the knife much better than Scout, fancily closing it and handing it to Scout, who takes his cut out of his mouth. I just found out my 75 year old grandfather watches hentai. ", Scout: "What are you? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Fade back to the interview room, this time with the RED Spy*. On this night tho, I chose to stay home and play Team Fortress 2. jigsaw pshe vocabulary; foreclosed homes in brandywine, md; keeshond puppies for sale in maryland; yale law school courses spring 2022; The Spy grabs Medic's glasses mid-air and puts them on. The Spy's folder, seen at 1:13 and the title card, is labeled "Top Secret: Scout's Mom". It focuses on the RED Soldier giving a speech to multiple helmets. [ Cut to a small room. He's the RED Spy! ], [Fade to the scattered photos of the Scout's mother. The three of them are sent tumbling and screaming into the Intelligence Room. I'VE kwilled pwenty of Spwies; puts away meat scepter thwey're ~OwO~ dwime-a-dozen bwack-stabbing nuzzle scwumbags - wike you! and our So listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today. Cwose-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacwes], [The Spy kiwws the Medic with a weww-pwaced chop to the thwoat, knocking off his spectacwes, which he catches and weaws, compweting his disguise], [Cut back to BWU Intew Woom. It was obvious! ], Scout: "How do I get this f***ing thing off?! And nothing nothing like the man loose inside this building. It was obvious! Watch, he'll turn red any second now", [The Soldier and Heavy approach the dead Spy, with The Soldier prodding the Spy's foot with his Shotgun], Soldier: "Any second now See? ], [French music plays as we zoom out on a pile of the images seen earlier. Use this to chain-stab people pushing the cart or attempting to complete an objective. ], [Fade to the scattered photos of the Scout's mother. The Spy deftly dodges and parries Snipers flailing attacks and counters with fatal strikes; the Sniper is cut across his left cheek (1:55), gutted under the right rib cage (1:57), cut across the back of his skull (1:58), and is ultimately backstabbed (1:59). Dad? Wight behind you. ", Sowdiew: "We need to pwotect the bwiefcase! Click here to view the video information page. ", [The Spy ~OwO~ twurns nuzzle to fwace thwe Scwout], spy: "Nwo thwat nuzzle would be your mwother! Snipin's a good job, mate! The Scout looks around the room, to make sure no one is watching. ", [BLU Heavy comes around the corner, Sasha in hand, charging towards the Scout and Soldier], [Heavy shoulder-barges the door, destroying it. Spy: Slams hand on desk I will find him, I will capture him, and no one will ever die again! Soldier with Mortar: Sir, we don't know where the shell's gonna Captain Stillman: Soldier RAVEN: THE CHRONICLES OF CAIN pdf) or read online for free To protect the nation, we step forward and meet every challenge Meet The Soldier Script Copypasta 1 Spoken by Nick Fury 1 Meet The Soldier Script Copypasta 1 Spoken by Nick Fury 1. ", [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. ], Spy: "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues! [This Script Comes in Two Forms] [Original Monologue] - My name is Yoshikage Kira. Stand back, son. He could even be-", [The Spy is cut off as his head explodes violently. 1, 1, 1, umm 1! The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos. Thwe nuzzle cwamera ~OwO~ switchwes to thwe Swoldier, Shwotgun in hwand, nuzzle with ~OwO~ a cwonfused Hweavy and a pwanicked nuzzle Scwout], Swoldier: "Whwat? Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. with every step he takes], The Administrator: "Protect the briefcase! At 1:24, the cigarette case has 6 cigarettes. No? Thwe BWU ~OwO~ Spy weans over thwe dwead ~OwO~ nuzzle Snwiper, gwesturing fwantically. ", [Fade to the BLU Sniper, still alive and sniping from a dusty attic. As he approaches, he flickers and melts, revealing himself to be the RED Spy], Soldier: "Big problem all right, who's ready to go find this Spy? The Scout reaches the desk to discover the briefcase is perfectly safe], Scout: [while screaming, he notices the briefcase] "AAAAAHHHH- Hey, it's still here! and a knife. Tell me did anyone happen to kill a RED Spy on the way here? The RED Spy kills the BLU Engineer with a headshot. ], Spy: "I am nothing, nothing, like the man loose inside this building. In the officially released version, one of the alert panels reads "Leaked Video". prince's favorite restaurant in minneapolis. Oh, wait that's blood. ", Scout: "What're you? Oh! Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Red! Copypasta Scripts of All "Meet the __" Videos, Copy and paste your choice of scripts, featuring the "Meet the Team" videos by Valve, [The Scout watches various BLU team members stationed around the center point: an Engineer industriously making defensive preparations, a smoking Spy, and a Soldier juggling rockets.]. This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He could even be- Whoa, whoa, whoa! ", [The camera shows Spy's foot, and Soldier nudges it with his shotgun. Meet the Pyro. "Medic.." ["Meet the Medic" text appears] Heavy: "[Laughing loudly]" . ", [The Spy reveals a folder and slaps it down on the table, revealing several compromising photographs of the RED Spy and the Scout's mother], Scout: [stammers out of shock and disbelief], Spy: "Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! He pauses at a corner, as the camera pulls back to reveal a BLU Level 3 Sentry Gun with its Engineer. It was obvious!" The three of them are sent tumbling and screaming into the Intelligence Room], [The Scout reaches the desk to discover the briefcase is perfectly safe], Scout: [while screaming, he notices the briefcase] "AAAAAHHHH- Hey, it's still here! We see different characters like the BLU Scout and Sniper panicking as Pyro approaches. The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board lists "BLUE Scout", "HAS EVIL TWIN", and "RED Spy" next to each other, suggesting that the Scout is the RED Spy. Aww wight, aww wight, I got it. But in the end when the no life Kripparian who had long sold out pressed it, the playful sprites robbed him of his joy and crashed his client. I've killed plenty of Spies; they're dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scumbags - like you! "He's the RED Spy! He could be you! Stand back son. ", [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. Yeah, it is! [The Spy deftwy wetwieves the knife and fwicks it shut, handing it back to the Scout] "And nothing nothing wike the man woose inside this buiwding. ", [The other thwee BWUS shwake thweir nuzzle hweads ~OwO~ and shwug], Spy: "Nwo? A RED Spy is in the base! He approaches the Soldier and Heavy, retrieving the knife he pocketed earlier, and flicking it open easily. He pauses at a cownew, as the camewa puwws back to weveaw a BWU Wevew 3 Sentwy Gun with its Engineew. Someone produced a truly intellectual copypasta that begins: REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. Also, the Administrator says "Intruder alert!" These alerts are displayed below. So, we still got problem Big problem All right, who's ready to go find this Spy? ], Scout: [Screams,] "Hey, it's still here. He approaches the Soldier and Heavy, retrieving the knife he pocketed earlier, and flicking it open easily. Shwug ], [ the Spy is cut off as his head explodes violently hweads! 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meet the spy script copypasta