readworks move your muscles answer key

Support your answer using information from the passage. In fact, without the help of the Wampanoag, it is likely that none of the colonists would have survived. Ans: DQ4. If they argue for machine learning, they might talk about how machine learning programs correct their own mistakes and can make decisions based on data. What effects did the Voting Rights Act have? Ans: The Voting Rights Act greatly reduced the disparity between black and white voters in the U.S. and allowed a greater number of African Americans to enter political life at the local, state and national level.Q9. We call skeletal muscles voluntary muscles because you can volunteer to move them whenever you want to engage (activate) them. What is Veterans Day? Ans: CQ2. Percussion instruments can be very loud and powerful, or they can be very delicate and nuanced. What is a theme of this story? Ans: AQ6. Choose the answer that best completes the sentences below.. Ans: BQ8. During the march, he also addressed a joint session of Congress and called for federal voting rights legislation to protect African Americans from barriers that prevented them from voting.Q10. Strangler figs branches and leaves block sunlight from the host tree. 4750. Read the following sentences: Why does the author compare testing a computer program and dragging buckets of sand onto an old bridge? Answers: The Muscles Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only. Use examples from the text in your answer. Ans: AQ7. What did the United States flag look like right before the last two states joined the country? Ans: CQ5. These students may describe it as a day that pays tribute to all American veterans. They may add that it especially gives thanks to living veterans. Students may also wish to share information about the history of Veterans Day. Support your answer with evidence from the story. Ans: Answers may vary, as long as they are supported by the story. What is the main idea of this passage? Ans: BQ6. For instance, if clownfish were killed, then sea anemones, which rely on clownfish for defense against other fish and parasites, might die off as well. Q1. What is this story mostly about? Ans: The story is mostly about the work Kyles mom does on a wind turbine farm and Kyles new life in northern California.Q6. As an example, students may argue that oil spills near the reef can cause the ecosystems there to be thrown off balance. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers may vary but should resemble the following. Explain at least one factor that influenced the American peoples opinion about immigration in the late 1800s. Ans: AQ7. Weathering and erosion wear down rocks over a long time. Q1. Below you can find answers for Grade 2 topics: Q1. How does Jessicas attitude toward baseball change in the story? Ans: DQ3. What is the main idea of the text? Ans: BQ6. D. If you don't weaken and shrink your muscles, you will lose them and not be able to find them. He successfully turned a religious following into a political movement. What country was founded when the United States American Colonization Society purchased land in West Africa? Ans: CQ2. What happened after the Senate voted 73-27 in favor of the Civil Rights Act? Ans: CQ3. What can you conclude about machine learning based on this information? Ans: AQ4. Read the following sentence: As used in the passage, what word could best replace foliage? A high impact instructional materials and various tools are designed for the immediate use of the teachers as well as the students. Ans: AQ8. Q1. Support your answer with details from the text Ans: Student answers may vary and should include evidence from the text. What evidence from the story best supports this conclusion? Ans: BQ4. Also, the new treatment isnt guaranteed to work. What is the main idea of this text? Ans: C, Q1. What did DeAndre Arnolds school threaten to do if he didnt cut his hair? Ans: BQ2. They resist the planet's downward pull, enabling us to stand upright and move. Ans: CQ8. Based on this evidence, what conclusion can be made? Ans: CQ4. The final two lines deliver a different message, turning the focus to the addressee and expressing the importance of loving someone or something that will leave you soon. He served as the countrys first president, and his leadership helped shape the nation during its early years.Q7. "I also worked on balance, Q1. They may cite the bridge-breaking incident, inferring from the trouble the main character got into that breaking the bridge was a bad thing. How many waves of immigration to the United States does the text describe? Microsoft Takes The Gloves Off As It Battles Sony For Its Activision Why Do Your Biceps Bulge? Ans: Scientists have found that apples lower the risk of certain diseases, and they have phytochemicals that keep you healthy, so you might not have to visit the doctor as often.Q9. Hence there is an improvement in classroom level of learning. His effectiveness had limits, though. Which evidence from the text supports this conclusion? Ans: In preparation for Carmageddon, the mayor of Los Angeles urged residents to leave town; billboards were posted up all over the city warning Angelenos about the coming closure; radio statements were made by all the major radio personalities; one airline offered four-dollar plane rides from Los Angeles to Orange County; bike groups sponsored cross-city excursions; helicopter companies offered half-hour long discounted rides to see the construction in action from the air; and local bars and restaurants offered Carmageddon discount specials.Q10. The first interview shows what it was like for a Jewish girl living in Germany, the second interview shows what it was like to be living in London for the Blitz, and the third interview describes how even life in Germany for people who werent Jewish was not easy during the war. Quilts are an important part of the relationship between the United States and Liberia.What information from the text supports this idea? Ans: DQ4. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the passage. Education in America reflects the values and aspirations of the country. Where does the beginning of the story take place? What is the main idea of this text? Ans: BQ6. Imagine a beach with big waves and several large rocks along its shore. Use evidence from the text to support your answer Ans: Answers should feature evidence from the text, and could include the fact that students are being negatively impacted by discrimination based on hairstyles, or the fact that individual school policies are harming students so laws must be passed to protect them. How do Betts actions show that one person can make a big impact? Ans: CQ5. Skeletal muscles are the muscles that we control voluntarily to move our bodies. What is the main idea of this text? Q1. What are Seminole houses called? Ans: BQ3. Why might the Voting Rights Act be considered to be among the most farreaching pieces of civil rights legislation in U.S. history? Not only can you infer that the moon comes out at night, but the poet also writes that the moon is waiting for the morning, so it must be nighttime. According to the text, which three countries have elected women to lead them?Ans: CQ2. Read these sentences from the text. What evidence from the text best supports this statement? As used in the text, what does the word lingering mean? For example, students may answer that the person who wrote the email is probably just making up a situation to confuse them and give them a reason to give away their personal information and money. The narrator believes that Maxwell was part of the scandal that made her lose her job; __, she has not been able to prove Maxwells guilt.. Ans: BQ8. Ans: AQ2. Foot binding was a symbol of purity and discipline. What does the author list in this article? Ans: BQ3. Where are the question sets? How did the experts likely figure out that the treasure originally belonged to the Anglo-Saxons? Ans: The experts probably figured out that the treasure originally belonged to the Anglo-Saxons by looking at the different artifacts and comparing them to other artifacts known to belong to Anglo-Saxons. What might happen if a jeweler did not have this knowledge? Words: 511. Which times are described in the article? Ans: CQ3. After Philip breaks his arm, Joseph takes him out for ice cream and tells him there is more to life than baseball.Q10. List two provisions within the Civil Rights Act. How does this text define the U.S. Constitution? Ans: CQ3. What evidence in the text supports this conclusion? eXam Aswers Search Engine . What is true about the questions the author posed to both artists? Ans: BQ7. What does Unguru mean when he says that children participating in the trials take a huge leap of faith? Ans: Answers may vary. Is breaking stuff helpful or harmful? The title of this text is Groundhog Day. Based on the information in the text, what is Groundhog Day? Ans: BQ5. Strangler figs destroyed some buildings in ancient Mayan cities __ their roots grew between the bricks in stone walls, eventually destroying the walls. Ans: BQ8. Which sentence from the text best states the articles main idea? Ans: BQ6. People began to fear that the newcomers would take their jobs. Read the sentences and answer the question. It shows us that we can achieve amazing things when we work together. Q1. Based on the text, how are todays transistors different from the first ones that were invented? Ans: They are now much smaller. Read the short story. How does Gina solve this problem? Ans: AQ5. Use information from the story to support your answer. Explain why this may be a negative aspect of group behavior by using information from the passage. Ans: The thing which the one member believes, and as a result, the entire group believes, maybe not be true or favorable. Q1. Ans: Answers may vary and should be supported by the story. What does Julie Sarnes Oma describe in the first interview? Ans: AQ3. The author describes this conflict plainly: Sam felt conflicted: he had really liked watching the game with Jessica, but he had barely paid attention to the action itself. Ans: Answers may vary, but students should note that it gave him a strong and graceful body to swim to safety, fight off attacks and attract females, and it gave him a knowledge of humans that came in handy when finding food.Q10. How did navigational tools change from the 15th century to the 17th century? Ans: DQ5. Read these sentences from the text: Based on these sentences, what does the word rigorous mean? Ans: AQ7. Maybe we will hear him, said MamiWhat do you know about Vernica and her mom based on this? Ans: AQ4. : Ans: CQ7. What is this passage mainly about? Ans: DQ6. Why would the Pilgrims never have thought of their own harvest feast as a thanksgiving? Ans: The Pilgrims wouldnt have thought of their own harvest feast as a thanksgiving because it was a non-religious celebration. Read these sentences from the text. According to the passage, what two things do jewelers have to consider when making jewelry? Ans: CQ2. Why might humans want to gain access to a wider portion of the electromagnetic spectrum? Clang! He was the fourth President & best known for his role in drafting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.Q7. Based on this evidence, what is the meaning of the word authorized in this excerpt? Ans: BQ7. - Comprehension Questions 8. Step 1: google, (your assignment name) ReadWorks Answer jetStep 2: look for the one that says PDFStep 3: click it and scroll to the bottom of the pageStep 4:. What is a probable reason for why womens feet are always concealed? Ans: CQ5. What evidence from the passage best supports this statement? Ans: DQ4. What does the author describe in the passage? Ans: BQ3. Please read the following sentence from the text. How does the narrators view of Maxwell change over time? Ans: At first, the narrator hardly noticed Maxwell, but over time, she began to view him as her storys villain and perhaps even as the principal architect of the scandal that cost her her job.Q10. Why might peoples feelings about Elizabeth becoming a doctor have changed?Support your answer with evidence from the text. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Support your answer with evidence from the passage Ans: Students may respond that many species of migratory birds dependent on the wetlands would go extinct. In the Southern states, slavery was supported because it fueled the economy. What does veterans probably mean here? Ans: BQ7. What is the main idea of the article? Ans: The evolution of curricula and teaching methods in American education provides insight into the values and aspirations of the country.Q6. Philip asks his brother if he will say goodbye before he leaves town; _, Joseph simply laughs and does not answer the question. Ans: AQ8. What did Jane Goodall help us learn about? Ans: AQ3. Ans: BQ4. Tecumsehs confederacy was a group of Indian tribes united to prevent further loss of their lands.Q10. What was the narrators former job in Albany? Ans: CQ2. Q1. Support your answer with evidence from the text. What does Jeremy learn about the stars and universe from Professor Helfand? Ans: He learns that there are many galaxies and suns in the universe, but many more still left to discover. What did you learn from Jane Goodall? Ans: According to Wikipedia, Jane Goodall is worlds foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall is best known for her 60-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees since she first went to Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania in 1960, where she witnessed human-like behaviours amongst chimpanzees, including armed conflict.Q7. What is this passage mostly about Ans: CQ6. Q1. Its possible for your identity to be stolen at any age. Below you can find answers for Grade 1 topics: Q1. In some cases, even Black people with college degrees were turned away from the polls.Q10. Read these sentences from the text. Ans: AQ3. Why did Kyle know plenty about the work his mom did to design more efficient wind turbine blades? Ans:Q10. Students should indicate that slavery was a contentious issue between the North and the South: the North was morally opposed to slavery by the 1850s and did not want to allow pro-slavery states to join the Union, while the South relied on slavery for their economic power. Students may want to discuss their own reactions to this descriptive passage and its implications. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Ans: AQ8. To verify yourself as a teacher, click on the "Show/Hide All Answers" button to send the verification email. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Ans: DQ8. This is a fantastic increase from when the farmer would merely use a windmill for a single task, for example, making use of water pumps, or perhaps generating flour. Your energy levels will diminish, and your thought processes and physical performance will be impaired.Q9. Each continent has its own unique geography, climate, & wildlife.Q7. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. What is the United States Constitution? Ans: AQ2. Related Features - where does your food come from readworks answer key Wipe Secret in ASC with ease Wipe Secret in DOTX with ease Wipe Secret in FTM with ease Wipe Secret in HWP with ease Wipe Secret in NBP with ease. Explain why there is truth to the saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. This gives a clearer picture of the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.Transvaginal Ultrasound (Endovaginal Ultrasound).A pelvic ultrasound is a scan that looks at the organs and structures in your pelvic area.Ultrasound uses a device called a transducer to send out sound waves that are too high to be tb-500 nasal spray TB 500 Dosage For Excellent Results. For example, students may explain that humans want to gain access to a wider portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to learn more about the world. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. A magnet also reacts to another magnet when they are close enough to each other. If the peer does not respect the decision, the person being pressured would do well to consider whether or not that peer is a friend and perhaps seek out other, more accepting individuals to spend time with. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below._ gold is softer than silver and needs to be blended with other metals for use in jewelry, gold is more valuable than silver. Ans: DQ8. For example, students might respond that young people who find themselves pressured to smoke by a peer could make a confident refusal to do so, with the likely result that the peer will respect their decision. For example, students may note that immigrants might move to the United States to escape the dangers present in their home countries.Q9. Fill Readworks Answer Key, Edit online. For example, students may reason that explorers knowledge about the worlds geography increased as navigational tools became more accurate. According to the text, what do health officials encourage? Ans: BQ2. What did Washington do first? Ans: BQ3. Which involves more human input, basic algorithms, or machine learning? It gives your body its shape, protects your organs, and works with your muscles to help you move. What is one end of a magnetized compasss needle attracted to? Ans: One end of the needle is attracted to the earths magnetic north pole.Q9. If you want to droll books, lots of novels, tale, jokes, and more . Explain whether being a stay-at-home parent is a difficult job for Matt. Below you Can Find Answers For Grade 7 Topics: Q1. Based on the above evidence, what conclusion can be made? Describe how Abrahams experience as a circus elephant helped him to survive in the wild. ReadWorks . According to the text, in which country do only a small percentage of people control most of the wealth? Ans: Chile is a wealthy nation. Although state and local enforcement of the law was weak at first, the act significantly widened the franchise. In particular, there are certain times of the year when figs are the only food source for some animals. Read these sentences from the text. What evidence from the text supports this statement? Ans: AQ4. Choose the word that best completes the sentencespace debris can damage satellites, _ scientists are trying to get rid of it Ans: C, Q1. What is the main idea of this passage? Ans: CQ6. And the core muscles are in the area of the belly and the mid and lower back. [paragraph 4]Q4. _, humankind has given itself unique powers for collecting information about the world. Ans: When Billy returns home, Gramps isnt confused about the crown, or about where Billy was. That way, she would want to watch baseball games just as intently as Sam, so if they do indeed attend more games together, he would not have to divide his attention between her and the events of the game. Because you can find Answers for Grade 1 topics: Q1 activate ) them and implications. This statement being a stay-at-home parent is readworks move your muscles answer key difficult job for Matt and her mom based on?... For its Activision why do your Biceps Bulge the story is mostly about the work his did... When figs are the only food source for some animals droll books, lots of novels, tale,,! That there are certain times of the relationship between the bricks in stone,... This may be a negative aspect of group behavior by using information from the.. Materials and various tools are designed for the immediate use of the colonists would have survived when says... 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readworks move your muscles answer key