rita skeeter transphobia

If you thought that was bad, Im sorry; it gets worse. Skeeter makes her debut in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire during the Tri-Wizard Tournament and slanders Harry and others in some rather infuriating ways. Hair colour In fact, shes probably a better example than Luna! When Frodo decides to spare Gollums life, Sam interprets this as blindness, as we see in this passage: It had always been a notion of his that the kindness of dear Mr. Frodo was of such a high degree that it must imply a fair measure of blindness. [24], Rita was present at the funeral of Albus Dumbledore, Rita made a brief appearance at the end of the 19961997 school year, where Harry was infuriated to notice her clutching a notebook at Dumbledore's funeral in June 1997. [17], Jacob's sibling reported her questions and motivations to Albus Dumbledore, who revealed to him that Rita was an unregistered Animagus who was using her abilities to eavesdrop at the time. Skeeter was described as having blonde hair set in elaborate curls that contrasted oddly with her heavy-jawed face. This is especially true at the end, with Harrys rebirth as a christ-figure. First of all, why has he not told anyone before? Far from giving her fans a gay hero, Rowling gave them a coded-gay villain in Grindelwald. A central theme in The Silkworm is that a family that includes a trans person is not a real familyonly a pathetic imitation of one. I think explaining the popularity of the Harry Potter series is relatively simple. Female[5] Rarely does J.K. Rowling plant or sow any seeds in her story. Sadly, as we might come to expect from this author, she forgot to give Severus a redemption arc. Her blonde curls were curiously rigid, suggesting it was styled with the magical equivalent of hairspray. She's. She uses a Quick-Quotes Quill to write in flowery prose filled with innuendos and veiled accusations ().Rita was a reporter at the Death Eater trials after the first fall of the Dark Lord and has filled the pages of the Daily Prophet with her snide and nasty words; she once called . Rita then observed Potions, Transfiguration, Flying, and Charms classes, much to most of the instructors' annoyance. One of her earliest works was an exaggerated autobiography written to gain fame and notoriety, in which she succeeded greatly as the book was a top seller. Rita Skeeter's Quick-Quotes Quill taking notes. Human[5] To use it, Skeeter sucked on the end and then placed it upright on parchment.. One notable use of the Quick-Quotes Quill was when Skeeter interviewed Harry Potter after he had been chosen to compete in the 1994-1995 Triwizard Tournament. However, his mood was rallied when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore visited him and assured him that they didn't care about his family being the vicious monsters everyone believed them to be. Jacob's sibling was assigned as a chaperone while she interviewed Hagrid, Torvus the Centaur, Silvanus Kettleburn, and inspected the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. As a result of suffering the effects of institutionalized racism and subconscious bias, Hermione understands whats being done to the house elves on a deeper level than Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, or J.K. Rowling herself can ever comprehend. British Its called the Society for the Protection of Elfish Welfare, or S.P.E.W., and its unambiguously portrayed as something nave for us to laugh at. Theres a lot more to most of the characters and plot elements in the book, and even a twelve-hour masterpiece of a movie just cant compare. Some of the hate mail even came with jinxes and curses;[21] even Molly Weasley was upset with Hermione until Harry set her straight. [1], Skeeter spent time training to become an Animagus and, at some point prior to 1986, she was finally able to transform into a beetle at will. This includes Hermione. The author, main character, and wise mentor all condescend to a black woman for hating slavery, because slavery is good, and the black woman who wants to abolish it is just being bossy.. Now, in some stories, the hero refusing to kill the villain is in service to some theme or other, but not here. Eventually, her "interview of the contestants" turned out to be a highly falsified story of Harry himself. Ginny Potter, with Rita at the journalists' enclosure, repeatedly made corrections to her reports, until, shortly after the match ended, Rita remarked that her husband Harry Potter was "publicity-hungry" just as Ginny was approaching, Rita was taken "unaccountably ill" with what some called "a jinx to the solar plexus".[34]. Hes a rich, famous superhuman in a world where only he matters, and this struck a chord with peopleespecially children. Even in the Harry Potter series, Rowling included a character called Rita Skeeter, described as having man hands. Rita is a shape-shifter who uses her powers to violate the privacy of Rowlings cis heroes. She clutches at her crocodile-skin handbag as she is introduced to Harry by Bagman. First, the whole thing is vague in all the wrong ways. Does it matter what Wolf did? Ones gender is not a privilege to be revoked. Articles about his claims in the Daily Prophet portrayed him as either a delusional boy or an attention-seeking liar. Readers shouldnt have to visit Pottermore to find out. While she had a huge disregard for her interviewee's reputations and journalistic integrity, Rita deeply feared her own status as an unregistered animagus being revealed to the world. She wore jewelled spectacles studded with rhinestones, and had thick fingers ending in two-inch nails, painted crimson. In The Goblet of Fire, Rita is described as having a 'heavily jawed face', 'mannish hands', and 'a surprisingly strong grip' as well as very fake nails, very fake hair, and a few very fake teeth. The character of Luna Lovegood is a perfect example, entering the story at the start of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and then fading into the background just as quickly. She did this despite the use of such a powerful truth serum being heavily controlled by the Ministry. #Rita skeeter full. Not much, it turns out. Throughout the Harry Potter series, characters and concepts are routinely introduced just before they become important. Like many other children at the time, I was swept up in a wondrous world where magical children attend a boarding school filled with secrets and adventure. Cite. Well, it was back then, at least. But for characters to undergo character development, they need to start out with flaws. In 1981, at the fall of Voldemort and end of the War, Skeeter reported on the Death Eater trials before the Council of Magical Law; people such as Igor Karkaroff and Ludovic Bagman. Let us not forget the time Harry threatened to strangle Dobby, who was a slave at the time. She then gave a speech about the general wizarding world being curious about the happenings within Hogwarts; Cursed Vaults aside, there apparently were talks about Hogwarts having the most promising assemblage of students in years, and that, in order to find out who the brightest student was, Professor Dumbledore had given the Prophet permission to observe and conduct a friendly competition, with the winner featuring on a front page article in the Prophet to start. However, if we were to accept that Hermione is undeniably black, then glorifying slavery would become more repugnant, not less. The school already thinks Harry cheated to get in. The moment Rita Skeeter had spoken, the green quill had started to scribble, skidding across the parchment: Attractive blonde Rita Skeeter, forty-three, whose savage quill has punctured many inflated reputations--. Again, saying your story is diverse doesnt make it so. HARRY POTTER'S SECRET HEARTACHE, published in Witch Weekly by Rita, When Rita encountered Harry, Ron, and Hermione in Hogsmeade, Hermione insulted her for her libel. She also wrote about Crane's failure to capture NOTME, which put an end to her investigations and might have even cost her her career at the Ministry. rita skeeter's first and last appearance was in harry potter and the goblet of fire, while in the books she had a huge presence. Remember that Harry Potter is supposed to be the hero. Basically, once you sort through all the evasive language, the gist of it is that J.K. Rowling thinks trans people existing is a threat to her identity as a cis woman and thus misogynistic. All the other characters are fully aware of this, and many sacrifice their lives for him without a second thought. Ideally, Harry could have not returned from the dead, leaving Neville to defeat the Dark Lord. Yeah Voldemort ties by his own curse, so thats out the window. If someone starts out with all the right opinions and remains irresolute in them, that's not character development. Its never explained. When youre writing a story, try to ensure you actually bother to communicate whatevers in your head. In court, Wolf claimed the Facebook post in which hed said he wanted to f**** up some TERFs was just bravado. The woman who created Harry Potter treats trans people with nothing but cruelty and contempt, always insisting that the trans women have stolen something that is rightfully hers. Discovered in chapter 18, The Weighing of the Wands " Rita Skeeter is talking to Ludo Bagman when Harry enters the classroom where the Wand Weighing ceremony is to take place. The transgender character receives the brunt of the authors disdain. The obvious twist would be if Neville turned out to be the real chosen one in the end. As an article by Constance Grady for Vox pointed out, Rowling routinely and increasingly writes about womanhood as if it were a disability. J.K. Rowling writes like an alt-right blogger, pretending to be rational while distorting the facts, wielding emotional arguments and misleading buzzwords, and demonizing societys most vulnerable. Rita was extremely nosy and willing to do anything for a good story from spying on people in her Animagus form of a beetle to sensationalising or outright inventing stories. She had no qualms in writing a hurtful and slanderous article about Rubeus Hagrid just because he was a half-giant,[20] and another similarly slanderous article about Harry just because of his ability to speak Parseltongue, even though he was not a dark wizard. Biographical information Harry never had any meaningful flaws to overcome, and he defeats Voldemort because he stole a random wand from Draco Malfoy or something? When I first read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, I loved it. Its because, as weve already discussed, Hermionea black womanis wrong about slavery in the context of Rowlings moral framework. Despite his muggle upbringing, he only joins S.P.E.W so Hermione wont nag him. Skeeter was present on the Hogsmeade station platform when Warbeck arrived disguised with a feather boa, and Jacob's sibling escorted her away from the scene for Skeeter could spot her. until Viktor makes a big decision. What if I were secretly famous, gifted with innate magical powers, and rich beyond my wildest dreams? Dobby, for example, later appears to serve Harry and other slaveowners like a Confederates ideal former slave. Severus Snape, the one remaining character whos even remotely interesting (at least till you examine his motivations and realize they make no sense), is killed in an entirely forgettable scene. Im writing this in June 2020 so please forgive me if there are any examples of Rowlings bigotry that I missed. She was known to carry with her a crocodile-skin handbag, inside of which she carried her acid green Quick-Quotes Quill. These stories tended to be based on false information and misreported interviews while she worked for the Daily Prophet, as well authoring a few tell-all biographies. Of all the characters who have a grudge against Bellatrix, not one of them duels her in the final battle. If you think it's a reach to label Rowling's depiction of Rita Skeeter as trans coding, consider her description of Pippa Midgely in the second Cormoran Strike novel, The Silkworm. Speaking for myself, this quickly robbed me of my ability to care about what befell the surviving characters at the end. Unknown length, wood and core[9] Harry even enters a world where he never has to interact with mere mortals again, where hes the only person who matters. Thus, when Denethor arguably kills Thoden indirectly, his death is more impactful than any of Rowlings character deaths. Rita Skeeter as she appears in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Rita Skeeter as she appears in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, Rita Skeeter as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, Concept art of Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, The Harry Potter Wiki has 92 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Numerous characters, concepts, and other plot elements in Harry Potter are treated this way: introduced out of nowhere and either resolved without emotional payoff or forgotten altogether. And yes, that does include our hero Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One. In 1997 Rita Skeeter travelled to Godric's Hollow to meet Bagshot and used Veritaserum to get vital information for her book on Albus Dumbledore, after her little interview she left a small note and her own copy of the Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. Shortly before the First Task she tried to get another interview but was interrupted by Viktor Krum and Hermione Granger and was told to leave, Skeeter ended up getting her revenge on Hermione several times after this in Witch Weekly and the Daily Prophet. That concept is personified in Rita Skeeter, Jo's oddly prescient satire of unscrupulous journalism. [18], Rita Skeeter opening a cupboard full of frogs, Skeeter later harassed Warbeck for information about why she was at Hogwarts in her dressing room on the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, which she refused to divulge to her, so Skeeter told her she would instead have to fabricate quotes by simply reading her face. The article was mostly taken negatively by Harry's schoolmates, who assumed he was craving attention, although Molly Weasley seemed to take it very seriously, to the point that she was particularly cool towards Hermione for a time until Harry assured her that the article was lying and he and Hermione had never dated. She usually wore magenta-coloured robes but also wore clothes of green leather with maroon furs at the collar and sleeves. Jacob's sibling told her a student was trapped in a locker, which Rita believed, thinking it would make a good story, and she opened it, being showered with frogs, causing her to flee in horror. Daily Prophet[9]Witch Weekly[12]The Quibbler[13]Order of the Phoenix (indirectly)[13] J.K. Rowlings (questionable) talent as a storyteller seems strongest in stories like Philosophers Stone or Chamber of Secrets. She also stated regarding the Daily Prophet that it "exists to sell itself.". When Harry begins showing him even the smallest degree of compassion, Kreacher begins to serve him as a loyal slave and even fights for him in the Battle of Hogwarts. These stories tended to be based on false information and misreported interviews. Not only has everything in the prophecy been correctly interpreted by the time we hear it, but it also fails to tell us anything we didnt already know about where the story was headed. Starting in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, so many more interesting characters die to protect him that I ended up hating Harry for it. Supposedly this is because she wanted to contrast Mollys love for her husband and children with Bellatrixs sick love for Voldemort. She wasn't . Bellatrix Lestrange, despite a few passing mentions in the previous book, is another character whom Rowling throws into the story with almost no buildup. Single[3] Reporter for the Daily Prophet, unregistered animagus, and Jo's transphobia in human (and illegal beetle) form. Specifically, were going to examine the flaws in Rowlings stories that weve all been ignoring. Instead of focusing on the players, she spent the match spying on VIP Box Two in which the most prominent members of Dumbledore's Army were watching the game. If Rowling wanted to contrast two characters, she would have had to actually contrast them somehow. From their fealty ceremonies to their treatment of their respective heirs omer and Faramir, Tolkien draws our attention to how different Thoden and Denethor are from each other. She publicly shamed Hermione for her relationship with Viktor Krum and her supposed relationship with Harry Potter. Skeeter aspired to be a journalist and an author, and used this ability to spy and eavesdrop as a beetle for her articles. She made her name painting Harry as an unhinged madman, but stopped her crusade when Hermione figured out that Skeeter is an unregistered Animagus and threatened to expose her to the Ministry. Rita Skeeter Sam spares Gollums life, and when Frodo fails to destroy the Ring, Gollum bites off Frodos finger and takes the Ring for himself before falling into the fires of Orodruin. Rita seemed to have a somewhat low opinion of the intelligence of her average reader, based on her style of reporting. In addition, she had pencilled-on eyebrows and three gold teeth, as well as large, masculine hands. This all sends the explicit message that child abuse builds character. Back then, we didnt realize that Harry Potters wizard school exploits also normalized imperialism and slavery. He doesnt redeem himself, but Rowling seems to think he has. Marital status Under the guise of interviewing all four champions, she confronted Harry Potter in a broom cupboard where she took his "um"s and "er"s and used them as material to make her own quotes where Harry had said them. Dont just say you contrasted two characters; make an effort to actually do it. Harry has few character flaws outside of Book Five, where his teenage angst only makes him more unlikeable than ever before. Notice the part where one of them has to die at the hand of the other there? Live your best life in peace and security. Rita tended to portray the people she wrote about poorly, presumably because it sold more stories. Now that we all know what J.K. Rowling is like as a person, its time to take a good, hard look at her magnum opus: the Harry Potter series. [13], Rita was initially taken aback that Hermione wanted her to interview Harry, and then resentful, since Hermione demanded that she only write exactly what Harry said and not portray him and all he said in a negative way as the rest of the press was. Gender Posts about my hobby of painting The Lord of the Rings miniatures from Games Workshop. Species Queen of the Quills[4] After Harry defeated the Hungarian Horntail and retrieved his egg, Rita tried to get another interview to which Harry refused. Hermione blackmailed Rita by threatening to report her to the authorities as an illegal Animagus to the Ministry of Magic, which would have severe legal consequences. Before I discuss the subpar storytelling in her work, I want to make one thing absolutely clear: J.K. Rowling is a transphobic bigot who routinely spreads dehumanizing messages to her numerous fans. When we see muggles, whom we can assume oppose slavery, theyre nearly always portrayed negatively. Like Harry Potter (well, not Harry as he really is, but the things Rowling tells us about Harry), Samwise Gamgee is brave, loyal, and selfless. In Goblet of Fire, Hermione sees a house elf named Winky being abused. Although on its own it wouldnt be a problem, the manner in which Rowling kills off her characters forms a pattern when you factor in the generally poor planning in Harry Potter. Rita, in retaliation, then wrote a nasty story about the "devious Miss Granger" based on false rumours provided by Pansy Parkinson, making her out to be a plain but skilled witch who used Love Potions to satisfy her "taste for famous wizards". Trans women existing is not misogyny, despite the lies that TERFs want you to believe. [23] Editor Xenophilius Lovegood sold the article to the Prophet after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, when Voldemort's return became public, and he and his daughter Luna used the money to travel to Sweden in search of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack. LEGO Harry Potter Rita Skeeter Exclusive Minifigure Leak Ashnflash 222K subscribers Join Subscribe 535 Share 17K views 3 weeks ago Today, thanks to an amazon listing they have leaked the. Following the Reappearance of the Dark Mark after the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, Skeeter penned a scathing report of the British Ministry of Magic's handling over the riots, accusing the Ministry of incompetence over their failure to catch any of the culprits. On many other occasions, Hermione is described as white, very white, and looking like a panda, after being hit in the eye. The later books attempts at adult fantasy clash with the inherent childishness of the Wizarding World. And when Hermione quite rightly campaigns against one of humanitys utmost crimes, the author frames her as annoying and out-of-touch. Blonde[6] Harry certainly never shows any desire for systemic change, let alone the abolition of slavery. Ill leave you to interpret the antisemitism and colonialism here. Skeeter openly butted heads with Dumbledore in life, and the biography contains a number of "dirty secrets" about the Dumbledore family that may or may not be true. Which was later taken by Hermione Granger and Harry Potter,[27] and it is unknown to whether Harry or Hermione kept the book, and it is unlikely that they did. [7] Hermione used this as leverage to get Rita to do an interview with Harry for The Quibbler without any charge. [17], Skeeter travelled to Hogwarts again in the 19881989 school year to interview Celestina Warbeck about why she had returned to Hogwarts. Snape, on the other hand, goes from Death Eater to triple agent, and through all of it, hes a child abuser. Her biography of Harry Potter, for instance, was described as being only one-quarter factual with the remaining three-quarters being pure fabrication and general dislike for Harry Potter being made into fake stories. Whether it was his own bitterness that made him treat his crushs kid like vermin or whether Dumbledore secretly ordered him to abuse Harry is immaterial. 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rita skeeter transphobia