economic support fund state department

The State Department received $13.9 billion from the House bill in order to provide assistance to Ukraine. TheDirect LineWebinarprogram presented "Investment Opportunities in Andorra," featuring investment and export opportunities forU.S. firms, includingsmallto medium-sized American enterprises insmallermarkets. Historically, the Director of Foreign Assistance has been at different times a dual-hatted USAID Administrator, a career Senior Executive Service employee,oraStateDepartment Administratively Determined employee. This program began last quarter and is currently implementing eight, year-long grants totaling $905,627. Logistical barriers prevented the completion of the course, but new courses will begin in mid-2008 at the new JEDI facility. Prioritized project lists have been approved that plan the use of all authorized funds, with 57 specific efforts identified that span O&M sustainment of U.S.-funded facilities in the essential service areas of electricity, health care, transportation, communication, water, and sanitation. Turned over funding and operational responsibilities of the witness security camps to the U.S. Facilitated coordination and information-sharing among other missions related to the Provincial Powers Law. Needs are addressed through a range of activities, including increasing the role of the private sector in the economy, assisting in the development of effective, accessible, and independent legal systems, supporting transparent and accountable governance, countering terrorism and extremist ideology, and empowering citizens. 0000003738 00000 n CAP will facilitate formal community coordination with local and provincial governments, promote transparency and accountability at all levels, and encourage local ownership of public goods. Oil pipeline exclusion zone projects are being built along the key pipeline corridors of Baiji to Kirkuk, Doura to Hillah, and Baiji to Baghdad. Worked with Iraqi NGOs and civil society organizations to increase their operational capacity and strengthen their ability to provide essential services to the community. These programs also provide the GOI with technical assistance on pension matters, including the establishment of a pension administration system, the development of supervisory mechanisms to ensure adequate protection of funds and investments, and the implementation (with the Pension Reform Steering Committee) of the recently passed Pension Law. Organized the Ministry of Plannings first nationwide conference on Iraqs Provincial Development Strategies (PDS). Supports disaster and emergency relief efforts, including programs that save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. Assisted IMCO in beginning clearance of the Iraq-Iran port of entry in Wasit province. Funds support trade and capacity building, strengthen independent judiciaries, protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, increase public accountability access to justice, and protect civil society activists and journalists. Program recipients with questions about reporting, technical issues . View a complete list of available self-service resources. Strategic economic development is important to communities across North Dakota. State Department and Related Agency: Selected Accounts 5 Table 4. In addition to Request for $60.4 billion in annual discretionary appropriations, the Budget includes $6.5 billion in mandatory funding for State and USAID over five years to make transformative investments in pandemic and other biological threat preparedness globally in support of U.S. biodefense and pandemic preparedness strategies and plans. Completed a training series for the Womens Empowerment Program, creating a forum in which women from diverse geographic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds can meet to share information, build relationships with one another, and build their capacities as effective civic organization workers and independent activists. Completed translation into Kurdish and printing of 1,500 copies of three trade union leadership training manuals. ESF is also used to fund other global programs, improve energy sectors, promote human rights, and address the threats caused by climate change. F, . Through a Winter Feed Grains-certified seed production project, trained more than 250 farmers in field preparation, planting using seed drills, fertilization, and irrigation scheduling. Hired an advisor to assess the status and current operating environment of the Iraqi Justice Integration Project, which is designed to improve coordination and information-sharing among key ministries and courts in Iraqs criminal justice system. Our website may not be updated regularly - please refer to the Nation's website,, and the Nation's social media . MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE . Projects are primarily of the following types: ISP projects are implemented under an Interagency Agreement between the Department of State and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), under which the USACE Gulf Region Division is responsible for the execution and disbursement of $227 million in FY 2006 Supplemental funds as well as quality assurance oversight. . The Department of State has also used $12.4 million in ERMA funds. in humanitarian assistance from USAID's International Disaster Assistance (IDA) account, and $243 million from the Economic Support Fund . Yields increased by an estimated 50 percent over the national average. 0000005593 00000 n Funding for the Fogarty . Completed drafts of an informal education manual and distributed to NGOs implementing informal education activities for Iraqis in Jordan. xA 04 p\GczC. The FY 2009 request for the Economic Support Fund (ESF) will support programs in Restrictive and Rebuilding countries, as identified in the Foreign Assistance Framework (available at . An official website of the United States Government, Business, Entrepreneurship, & Responsible Business Conduct, Investment Relationships, Development Finance, & Macroeconomic Affairs, Economic Sanctions, Countering Terrorist Financing, Anti-Money Laundering, & Conflict Minerals, International Trade Policy Advice & Safe, Secure, Efficient Global Transportation, Division for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Division for International Communications and Information Policy, Division for International Finance and Development, Division for Trade Policy and Negotiations, Office of Commercial and Business Affairs, Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy, Office of the U.S. Served as technical leader on the development of a new project tracking and accounting software application to be used in provinces across Iraq. Helped the MoP commit to integrating these new PDSs into its national planning and has established a commission to carry out this work. That includes $17 billion in short-term military aid, such as weapons and training; $10.4 billion in long-term military aid . Development Assistance & Economic Support Fund, Director, Policy, Budget and Appropriations, We use cookies to facilitate your navigation on this website. Reflecting the priority that the Biden-Harris Administration places on global [] Completed the distribution of seeds for multiple high-yield vegetable varieties and plastic cover to protect winter plantings to 900 vegetable farmers in the Taji/Abu Ghraib area. PRDC funds support smaller-scale provincial-level infrastructure projects using Economic Support Fund monies. Establishing a Creative Economy: Art as an Economic Engine in Native Communities. Future activities will include assisting the GOI in the selection and training of personnel to establish and operate a national mine action coordination center; support to IMCO in clearing extensive swaths of agricultural and other contaminated land; assisting the efforts of the Iraq Health and Social Care Organization in providing a mine risk education program in central and southern Iraq; and beginning the second phase of a Landmine Impact Survey, in the governorates of Salah ad Din and Diyala (Baquba) Governorates. Final composition to consist of four personnel, two Attorney Advisors and two support staff. The Department and USAID have begun obligating a planned total of $4.5 million in FY2018 Economic Support Funds through the FTIF to support 15 projects in the following countries: Algeria, Armenia . Projects conducted this quarter included electrical capacity development training given to engineers, operators, and technicians from the Iraq Ministry of Electricity. Provided legal and policy analysis that informed the Provincial Councils Associations position in lobbying the Council of Representatives on the Provincial Powers Law. Enrolled up to 6,000 Iraqi children in non-formal and remedial education activities in Jordan. Made in Order: 7: Version 1: Schweikert (AZ) Republican A total of $385 million in FY07 funds has been designated for PRDC projects, of which $198 million has been approved by the Embassy for specific projects that are currently being executed through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division (GRD). The Fund is jointly administered with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in line with the 2020 State-USAID four pillar COVID-19 Recovery Strategy. American Rescue Plan Six Month In total, the Treasury . Resource Roadmaps Get help navigating some of the challenges and resources available to address the COVID-19 pandemic with our resource roadmaps . Funds in this category also support the participation of women and minorities in the political process and civil society efforts. Pub. These funds support a combination of minefield and battle area clearance operations and explosive ordnance disposal; small arms/light weapons destruction missions by the Iraq Mine/Unexploded Ordnance Clearance Organization (IMCO) and the Mines Advisory Group (MAG); and the completion of the Iraq Landmine Impact Survey in a second phase to take place in the five remaining governorates of Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Ninawa and Salah ad Din. Organized an annual review of the Iraq Research and Development Initiative, where Iraqi researchers and international technical experts identified critical infrastructure projects for commercialization. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. Explanation: The purpose of HRDF is to help fulfill the State Department's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. A fund of this size is not going to make much of a contribution to the goal of boosting semiconductor production when a single semiconductor chip fabrication plant, also known as a fab, can run to $10-20 . EB promotes a strong American economy by leveling the playing field for American companies doing business in global markets, attracting foreign investors to create jobs in America . Deployed six small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) teams 136 times and completed 83 tasks, destroying 2,093 items of SA/LW. Programs in the area of policy, legal and regulatory reform ($88.2 million in ESF funds) are on-going. Programs supported by these funds promote systems and structures to prevent conflicts that could require costly military interventions. Completed projects included: The $1.1 million Bayji Villages Electrical Network in the. Ongoing grants are supporting some of the following: training for the Iraqi Private Bankers Association, the Iraqi Beekeepers Association, the Iraqi Bar Association, and the Telafar small business development center. CONTACT INFORMATION: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 703-324-2581. The facilitators will use their new skills to conduct community conflict assessments throughout Iraq, focusing on collecting data from community stakeholders who have an impact on conflict, providing analysis of community tensions and conflict dynamics, and highlighting local capacities for peace. This effort, which grew from a KRG request, assessed the production, distribution, and sale of electricity, including the important issue of rate-setting. Trained 45 Syrian and Jordanian teachers of Iraqi children in non-formal education techniques. During January and February, approximately 2,500 Iraqi government civil servants across 17 Iraqi provinces were trained in public administration skills, project management, human resource management, budget and information management, leadership and communication, strategic planning, and procurement. Supported capacity building activities for the Ministry of Displacement and Migration. 0000000673 00000 n Since then,drawing on expertise fromboth USAID andState personnel, the Office has provided senior level expertise to Secretaries of State and USAID Administrators across Presidential Administrations. Corruption and poor governance fuel economic instability. As of this writing, CSPs planned expansion is nearly complete. The GOI has committed to re-licensing all relevant software to confirm Iraqs ownership; restarting the server and instructing all spending units to resume data entry; and confirming that the IFMIS is Iraqs official financial system and that the MoF is responsible for connecting final spending units. Collaborated with United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to refer victims of torture from Baghdad to Sulaymaniyah for treatment. TheSecretary delegates authorities to theDeputy Secretary for Management and Resources(D-MR)and theDirector of ForeignAssistance(F)for thesupervisionand direction offoreignassistanceunder Department of State Delegation of Authority 293-2. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: Department of State and USAID. The draft operational plan has been finalized, and communication among IHEC divisions and between IHEC and the field have been improved. Funded a one-year subscription for the RD to an Arabic legal website which provides access to legal publications, popular Arabic conventions and treaties, well-known legal tools, and the constitutions of numerous countries. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, A Look Back at 2022:The Promise and Impact of Commercial Diplomacy, Specific Instance Between Lonce Safari Kajangu, Anicet Tambwe Byadunia, Franois Zabene Zagabe, and The Coca-Cola Company, Regarding Events in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Specific Instance between Ghislain Bahati Muhangaza and Citibank, N.A. Published a guide to strategic planning at the provincial level and summaries of all 17 completed Provincial Development Strategies. Verified the use of maize to support the local feed grains industry, which had been disrupted in Anbar province by the insurgency. Funded the development of peace and reconciliation initiatives through national youth programs. Housing. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible forthesupervision and overallstrategicdirection of foreignassistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Convened a roundtable with 20 tribal sheikhs, local government leaders, members of the Iraqi High Judicial Council, and U.S. legal advisors to follow-up last Octobers Mahmudiya reconciliation conference. Training includes preventive maintenance planning and scheduling, inventory control systems, spare parts forecasts and procurement, apprenticeship and certification programs with existing Iraqi technical institutes, and, in the power sector, planning for annual maintenance outages. Trained an inter-ministerial working group that will oversee the GOI employee census. CSP also works to place vocational education graduates in long-term jobs with the assistance of employment agents and through a subsidized apprenticeship program. Fact Sheet Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Washington, DC June 1, 2004 FY 1999-2000 Human Rights and Democracy Fund Projects. The following activities were undertaken to improve the situation for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and their host communities nationwide. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Law about. U.S. Government Implementing Agency: Department of Justice, a. They are available to protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, and increase public accountability. . Our Mission. Economic Support Services. Provided 4,435 grants worth approximately $32 million to support business development, creating an estimated 9,360 jobs greater than three months in duration. The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. TDP supports programming by NGOs that focus on conflict mitigation, reconciliation, and alternative dispute resolution, as well as model initiatives for specific community social and economic challenges, including education, health care needs, and job creation. This program now supports three regional training centers located in Erbil, Mosul, and Basra and a satellite office in Hilla. Facilitated a five-day leadership and government communication workshop in Erbil with staff from the North and South Oil Companies. Continued to coordinate with Iraqi educators to develop, test, evaluate, and implement a rights of the citizen curriculum in Baghdad schools. This conference brought together provincial and federal officials for a formal presentation of provincial development strategies. WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $3 million grant to Western Wyoming Community College District, Rock Springs, Wyoming, to help diversify the economy by boosting the region's healthcare workforce. Began an aggressive program to upgrade the physical security of courthouses throughout Iraq. Where appropriate, ESF will also assist states critical . P.M. 703-324-2581 privacy policies contained therein Opportunities in Andorra, '' featuring Investment and export Opportunities.... 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economic support fund state department